Identifying vehicles more important in modern solutions – from allowing certain vehicles access to identifying ‘rogue’ vehicles, systems need to be able to manage their vehicular visitors.
The Vehicle Analysis features in the Dedicated DeepinView Cameras Series allow cameras to identify and analyze vehicles accurately as they come past. Typical uses include installation at entrances & exits of buildings or industrial parks.
The cameras combine automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) with vehicle attribute recognition.
A capacidade de identificar veículos nas entradas de estacionamento pode proporcionar grandes vantagens às empresas, autoridades locais e uma variedade de outras organizações. With AI, systems can ‘learn’ number plate information within a scene and there’s no need for positioning adjustments. This also reduces false readings from pedestrians and fences, for example.
Looking for a vehicle is made easier by searching certain attributes if the number plate is not known. Use of AI means factors like the vehicle’s brand, color, and direction of movement can be identified.
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