Commercial Display
Safety is the first priority. Power and utilities companies bear the responsibility of protecting the well-being of employees. Hikvision helps these companies to achieve the goal of complying with HSE regulations by using leading-edge technologies and products.
Health and safety protection
Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – the protective-wear that ensures worker safety – is a must in these industries. But enforcement can be a challenge across the worksite.
Remote PPE checks intelligently use video imaging to help managers ensure that employees are wearing helmets and other PPE, which could mean the difference between life and death in hazardous environments.
Abnormal activity detection identifies emergencies and hazardous events that can threaten worker safety, such as falling down, running, authorized gathering, and more, helping managers respond in a timely manner.
Remote field operation supervision
Does your site already have a CCTV system? Hikvision’s remote supervision uses existing video security systems to ensure operational safety by replacing manual supervision with 24/7 real-time monitoring and AI-powered analytics. Moreover, imaging evidence and data can be used to provide insights when assessing the qualifications of contractors.
In the case of a whole new worksite, an advanced, bespoke solution can be built from beginning to end.
Remotely manage the planning, execution, and reporting of safety inspection tasks within a single system
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