Commercial Display
Dzięki rozwiązaniu Smart Retail, sieci sklepów nie tylko są objęte kompleksową ochroną. Ich właściciele i managerowie mogą również dostosowywać strategię do różnych oddziałów, aby budować spójny wizerunek marki i monitorować zyski.
The HikCentral Enterprise-Retail platform software enables complete visibility and remote check-in of all your retail locations any time, from anywhere. It serves as a single touchpoint for live video feeds, event notifications, and centralized management, and keeps your staff connected.
You can monitor the health of your in-store security devices on the HikCentral Enterprise-Retail platform dashboard. You can also customize the frequencies of automated system inspections. The system will send an instant email notification once a security camera is identified as offline.
Audits are necessary, but are often beset by high labor costs, management vulnerabilities, and lack of further data analyses. What if you could use your security cameras for remote store audits? Now you can! And it vastly improves efficiency and standardization across your retail operations. It takes only a few steps from planning to execution.
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