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Video intercom kit
All the products you need for a complete video intercom system are right here in these ready-to-go kits. With Hikvision, users can choose from a variety of kit options that are tailored to suit their specific scenarios and wiring needs. Whether it's residential or commercial, we have the perfect intercom kit to meet every user's unique needs.
Kategorie produktów
The IP kit features a friendly touchscreen, sharp imaging, intelligent authentications, and mobile control. These intercom units can also serve as a unified control center for homes and businesses, delivering a new level of convenience for apartments, suburban villas, and office environments.
The IP kit features a friendly touchscreen, sharp imaging, intelligent authentications, and mobile control. These intercom units can also serve as a unified control center for homes and businesses, delivering a new level of convenience for apartments, suburban villas, and office environments.
The 2-wire kit caters to the growing needs of today’s residents calling for better security with more convenience. Nie wymaga to żadnych dodatkowych inwestycji w infrastrukturę, a instalacja jest prosta, dzięki możliwości wykorzystania już istniejących przewodów.
The 4-wire kit is designed for villas or single-family homes. They are convenient to use with only a single call button and are available to the market at competitive prices.
The hybrid kit is an IP-based intercom system that integrates with analog doorbells using a 4-wire interface. With this solution, users will enjoy friendly touchscreen control and convenient management via the Hik-Connect Mobile App. Analog doorbells make the solution even more cost-effective price as compared to a pure IP solution.
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