
Hikvision Corporate Governance Commitments

Hikvision (the Company) is committed to developing a sustainable corporate governance system, building an efficient governance structure, and constantly improving compliance mechanisms, in order to protect the rights and interests of the Company, customers, shareholders and other stakeholders.


Since the inception of the Company, we have been strictly following relevant laws and regulations such as the "Company Law", "Securities Law", "Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies", "Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange", and "Guidelines for the Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange" as well as the requirements of the regulations and regulatory documents of the regulatory authorities. 


We have continuously strengthened the implementation of internal control policies, improved corporate governance structure, and enhanced the value of the Company, as well as its management transparency. The Company builds its corporate governance structure under a modern enterprise institution. The General Meeting of Shareholders is set with a Board of Directors and a Board of Supervisors. Subordinate to the Board of Directors are a Strategy Committee, an Audit Committee, a Nomination Committee, and a Remuneration and Appraisal Committee – all responsible for examining specialized issues in corporate governance operations. We have set up a "3+1" corporate governance structure comprising shareholders' meeting, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the senior management taking into consideration the actual situation of the Company, and disclosed information in a true, accurate, complete, timely and impartial manner. We have also established and improved internal management and control system, maintained the healthy and stable development, and ensured the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and investors. 

Hikvision Shareholder Meetings

보고 기간(2020년 1월 1일부터 12월 31일까지) 동안 총회는 현장 투표와 온라인 투표를 통해 모든 주주, 특히 중소 주주가 평등할 권리가 있고 완전한 권리를 가질 수 있도록 18건의 제안을 검토했습니다. 권리를 행사합니다. 이사회는 모든 이사가 회사와 모든 주주의 이익을 손상시키지 않으면서 정직, 충성, 근면, 전문성 및 책임을 다하여 직무를 수행하는 38건의 안건을 심의했습니다. 24건의 안건이 심사위원회에서 심의되었으며, 심사위원은 성실하고 성실하게 직무와 의무를 다하고, 심사원으로서의 역할을 충실히 수행하였다. 이사회 산하 위원회는 총 25건의 안건을 심의하여 본연의 임무를 성실히 수행하였습니다.


자세한 내용은 하이크비전의 2020년 연례 보고서 및 2020 ESG 보고서 에서기업 지배구조름 참고하고 하이크비전의 과거 재무 보고서 및 하이크비전 ESG 보고서를 온라인에서 확인할 수 잇습니다.

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