
Cosa offriamo

Il Sistema Video Intercom IP & 2Wire rappresenta il primo elemento di un sistema di sicurezza.

Disponibile anche nella versione INOX, a garanzia di robustezza ed eleganza superiori, questi dispositivi si distinguono per modularità, design dei componenti e flessibilità installativa, offrendo inoltre performance video uniche nel settore di riferimento.   


A differenza delle tradizionali postazioni esterne, l’unità principale installa una telecamera IP dalle caratteristiche uniche: risoluzione full HD 2MP, ottica Fish Eye, angolo di visione 180°, WDR e filtro day/night garantiscono infatti prestazioni eccellenti anche in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione e di controluce. La funzione di orientamento digitale consente di selezionare l’area di maggior interesse, fornendo al cliente la possibilità di visualizzare sullo schermo solo la parte rilevante della scena, il tutto senza dover effettuare interventi di tipo meccanico.


Parola d'ordine: convergenza! La APP Hik-Connect, il software iVMS-4200 e i Monitor supervisori Android Wi-FI ti garantiscono un'esperienza di utilizzo unica e la semplicità di monitorare l'intero sistema di sicurezza da un unico dispositivo. Grazie a questi strumenti si possono ricevere chiamate dal sistema Intercom e sbloccare le porte, controllare lo stato del sistema di allarme, attivarlo e disattivarlo, verificare lo stato delle zone e i segnali d'allarme, controllare le uscite. E sempre con lo stesso dispositivo è possibile guardare live più telecamere in contemporanea del sistema di videosorveglianza, visionare video registrati, bloccare e sbloccare i dispositivi per il controllo accessi e controllare tutte le notifiche ricevute dai diversi sistemi.

Searching for an efficient and convenient video intercom for your facilities? Looking for an easy-to-use and smart system that will improve your living and working experience? In any setting – apartment, villa, or office building – you will find a great solution from Hikvision’s range of high-performance intercom products.  With IP-based, 2-wire, and 4-wire intercom systems available, Hikvision has it all.

Caratteristiche principali

  • IP video intercom: HD video, mobile app, interoperable with video security and alarm systems
  • 2-Wire video intercom: HD video, mobile app, highly compatible cabling, stable operation, easy configuration
  • 4-Wire video intercom: HD video, easy deployment


Serie 2Wire

Semplicità di installazione: il cavo 2Fili porta al dispositivo alimentazione, audio, video e segnale di controllo per la trasmissione dei dati.


La sicurezza inizia dalla porta d'ingresso.

Serie IP

Servono un'ampio ventaglio di scenari, tra cui edifici commerciali, ville monofamiliari e plurifamiliari e condomini fino a 500 utenze.

IP Series

A simple touch - step up to a new level of convenience

2-Wire Series

Powered by a distributor with two wires for power& audio/video transmission

4-Wire Series

Popular choice for residential solution -cost-effective & easy to install


The products you need for a complete video intercom system are delivered to you in these ready-to-go kits. 


Full selection of accessories for video intercom installation.

4-Wire Series (Analog)

Popular choice for residential solution -cost-effective & easy to install


Hikvision Doorbell products provide functions such as basic intercom, alarm, access control and remote control to guarantee users' safety and convenience with high cost-effectiveness.


Un sistema Video Intercom completo e pronto all'uso.

IP Series

The IP-Series Video Intercom products can serve a wide rage of scenarios including apartments and suburban homes.

2-Wire Series

Powered by a distributor with two wires for power& audio/video transmission


Everything you need to build a simple and easy video intercom system

Common application scenarios


  • New apartments
  • Retrofitted apartments



Hikision's IP-based video intercom solution is well suited for new apartments, supporting an astonishing number of up to 500 indoor stations, with 1:1 communication between all of them.


Residents can remotely verify a visitor's identity and unlock doors via HD video calls at their indoor station or mobile phone.



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And when it comes to retrofitting vintage apartments, Hikvision’s 2-wire video intercom solution is an ideal choice. Installation is quick and easy, without turning your apartment into a construction site, as the existing wiring can be reused and no additional infrastructure investment is required.


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Hikvision’s villa intercom solution provides abundant and practical functions for every member of the home. Users can receive calls and unlock doors remotely via the Hik-Connect mobile app or via the touchscreen of their indoor station.


To make it even better, you can integrate it with Hikvision’s video security system, allowing indoor stations to display any IP camera installed around your house. Security and convenience come together with this solution!



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Office buildings

Hikvision’s IP video intercom solutions provide abundant practical functions for office administrators and visitors. Front desk receptionists can conveniently check the visitor’s identity via face-to-face video intercom calls and unlock doors remotely. 


And once integrated with Hikvision SIP phones and other Hikvision systems – including video security, access control and alarm – the IP video intercom solution can satisfy more diverse and complicated needs in any office scenario. 



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