2023 ESG Report
With corporate social responsibility and sustainable development embedded into its business, and technological innovation as a driving force, Hikvision is committed to becoming a well-respected global technology company. In 2023, Hikvision actively promoted the digital transformation of business and launched diversified initiatives to fulfil the Company’s vision for a better world. To learn more about our progress, please read the Hikvision 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report.
ESG Management Framework
With "Tech for Good" as the core of its ESG management framework, Hikvision leverages innovative products, solutions and technologies to advance Tech for Homeland, Tech for Environment, Tech for Industry, and Tech for Community, based on the guiding principles of integrity and compliance, green and low-carbon development, and harmonious coexistence. With six major responsibilities serving as our lens, our ESG disclosure and ESG management are deeply interrelated and mutually reinforcing to empower a shared sustainable future.
2023 ESG Performance Highlights
Menjadi perusahaan global yang dihormati merupakan visi kami, dan memberi kami kesadaran diri yang diperlukan untuk menginformasikan proses pengambilan keputusan kami yang terkait dengan penerapan etis atas teknologi kami.Kami berusaha untuk menjadi pemimpin strategis tentang cara menggunakan teknologi untuk kebaikan, serta mencari konsensus dan bimbingan di antara berbagai budaya dan nilai-nilai, sehingga kemajuan kami bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang lebih luas secara keseluruhan. Kami melilndungi alam, berkontribusi terhadap masyarakat, dan mendukung tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan, serta berkomitmen membangun dunia cerdas yang penuh dengan niat baik.
Membangun reputasi sebagai perusahaan kelas dunia yang dihormati yang menghargai operasi ramah lingkungan, keselamatan kerja, keharmonisan tempat kerja, dan tanggung jawab sosial.
Kami mendapatkan wawasan seiring kami melihat jauh ke depan, dan kami melangkah jauh ke depan seiring menindaklanjuti wawasan tersebut. Kami sangat yakin bahwa bekerja secara intensif pada teknologi, produk, dan layanan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mendukung pelanggan dengan lebih baik, menciptakan nilai yang lebih besar bagi pelanggan, meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, mendapatkan kepercayaan pasar, dan dengan demikian mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Kesuksesan kami tidak terlepas dari upaya dan dedikasi karyawan kami. Untuk maju sebagai bisnis, kami melindungi hak-hak dan kepentingan karyawan, menciptakan tempat kerja yang nyaman dan aman, serta meningkatkan peluang pelatihan dan pengembangan.
Tech for Good
To build a beautiful homeland is the common aspiration of mankind. At Hikvision, we contribute to vibrant cities and prospering rural areas, striving to create modern, livable, and intelligent habitats. We infuse technology with a sense of warmth and compassion to meet people's growing needs for a better life.
Man and nature form a community of life, and enterprises play a crucial role in fostering a harmonious coexistence. Hikvision harnesses innovative technologies to address environmental challenges and contribute to ecological sustainability.
Hikvision leverages machine perception, artificial intelligence, and big data to drive industrial innovation and promote production, livelihood, and governance upgrading. We spearhead the digital transformation of different sectors, ensuring enterprise-wide security and fostering new growth drivers and strengths.
A business is an integral part of the society; hence, it must give back to society. Hikvision sees technology as the empowering force for social development and provides products and solutions tailored to the specific needs of vulnerable groups, offering support to communities and enhancing living conditions and environments on all fronts.
STAR Program for Social Good
Hikvision’s STAR Program for Social Good aims to provide cutting-edge technologies that help non-profit organizations and projects explore innovative ways to benefit communities and protect our valuable nature and culture. Learn more and join us to create a better world!
ESG Reports
Hikvision berusaha untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan operasional kami dan perlindungan ekosistem melalui inovasi yang berkelanjutan dan peningkatan mode operasi bisnis.
Social Accountability
IQNet Ltd
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Bern, Switzerland
Telepon: +41 31 310 24 42
Telepon: +1-(212)-391-2106
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