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Misi Kami

Mengeksplorasi cara inovatif agar dapat melihat dan memahami dunia dengan lebih baik, memberdayakan visi bagi para pembuat keputusan dan praktisi, serta bekerja bersama untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan memajukan pembangunan berkelanjutan di seluruh dunia.

About Hikvision


Founded in 2001, Hikvision focuses on integrated security and scenario-based digitalization. Propelled by the AI-powered Internet of Things (AIoT), the Company remains committed to serving various industries with its machine perception and artificial intelligence technologies. Guided by the core values of ‘Professionalism, Reliability, and Integrity’, Hikvision explores innovative ways to better perceive and understand the world. It empowers visionary decision-makers and practitioners to work together to enhance safety and advance sustainable development around the world. The Company’s business grows through technologies that are deeply rooted in innovation and an increasingly diverse range of AIoT products and solutions. With an open ecosystem, Hikvision is empowering the industry and advancing with its partners. The Company currently has 11 R&D centers and 7 manufacturing bases around the globe and provides products and services to over 170 countries and regions. In 2023, Hikvision’s revenue was RMB 89.34 billion (USD 12.68 billion).

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  • Core Businesses

  • Intelligent security products
  • Integrated security solutions
  • Intelligent vertical solutions
  • Core Businesses

  • Intelligent security products
  • Integrated security solutions
  • Intelligent vertical solutions

Our Offerings

Our Innovations

With significant R&D investment, Hikvision is advancing its core technologies, covering multi-dimensional perception, artificial intelligence, big data, and beyond.


Imaging and video related technologies remain very important for Hikvision, and we have been leading the industry in numerous areas, including high definition, and low-light imaging, as well as image defogging, smart rapid focus, and image stabilization among others.


Besides visible light imaging, Hikvision is extending its machine perception technologies to the full electromagnetic spectrum. Varying in wavelength and frequency, electromagnetic waves can extend from visible light to both ends of the known spectrum. Hikvision has developed innovative products and applications powered by thermal imaging, multispectral imagery, radar sensing, and so on. We are also exploring multiple machine perception technologies that pick up X-rays, infrared rays, millimeter waves, sound waves, and temperature variations, etc.

Our Solid Foundation


Always focused on quality

Reliability and quality management have been fundamental pillars in the success of Hikvision. We are very proud of our full implementation of product lifecycle quality management that meets leading global standards and with many authoritative certifications. The full lifecycle quality management process covers material quality, innovation for design quality, manufacturing quality, and end-to-end quality services.


We have established a strict quality management regime based on compliance with the following key systems and protocols.

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In-house manufacturing

Hikvision runs extensive in-house manufacturing operations with more than 1 million square meters of combined manufacturing facilities in Hangzhou, Tonglu, Chongqing and Wuhan, China, and international manufacturing locations in India, Brazil and the UK. Fully-automated SMT production lines and machine vision products are incorporated to ensure premium quality products, flexible production, and punctual delivery to meet the unique development needs of our various business units.


In addition, our extensive supply chain ecosystem covers more than 1,000 long-term suppliers globally, enabling us to maintain robust supply chain stocks to ensure reliable product delivery.

Hikvision adalah penyedia produk dan solusi keamanan inovatif yang terkemuka di dunia.

Hikvision sekarang memiliki lebih dari 40.000 karyawan, lebih dari 19.000 di antaranya merupakan teknisi litbang. Perusahaan setiap tahun berinvestasi sebesar lebih dari 8% dari pendapatan penjualan tahunan untuk melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk inovasi produk yang berkelanjutan. Hikvision telah membentuk sistem litbang lengkap pada berbagai level yang mencakup setiap operasi mulai dari penelitian hingga desain, pengembangan, pengujian, dukungan teknis, dan layanan. Berpusat di kantor pusat Hangzhou, tim litbang beroperasi secara global, termasuk pusat litbang di Montreal, Kanada dan London, Inggris, serta lima kota di Tiongkok.

Hikvision mengembangkan teknologi inti pengodean audio dan video, pemrosesan gambar video, dan penyimpanan data terkait, serta teknologi berwawasan ke depan seperti komputasi cloud, data besar, dan pembelajaran mendalam. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Hikvision memperdalam pengetahuan dan pengalamannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan di berbagai pasar vertikal, termasuk keamanan publik, transportasi, pendidikan, perawatan kesehatan, lembaga keuangan, dan energi, serta bangunan cerdas. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan menyediakan solusi yang profesional dan disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar yang beragam. Selain industri pengawasan video, Hikvision memperluas bisnisnya ke teknologi rumah pintar, otomatisasi industri, dan industri elektronik otomotif — semuanya didasarkan pada teknologi kecerdasan video — mengeksplorasi saluran untuk pengembangan jangka panjang yang berkelanjutan.

Hikvision telah membentuk salah satu jaringan pemasaran paling luas di industri ini, yang terdiri dari 59 anak perusahaan regional di luar negeri, untuk memastikan tanggapan cepat terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan, pengguna, dan mitra. Produk Hikvision melayani beragam pasar vertikal yang mencakup lebih dari 150 negara, seperti pusat rekreasi Philadelphia di AS, proyek kota aman di Seoul, Korea Selatan, Pelabuhan Dun Laoghaire di Irlandia, dan Bank of India.

Hikvision menjadi perusahaan publik pada Mei 2010, dan terdaftar pada Dewan UKM di Bursa Efek Shenzhen.


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