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    What We Offer

    HikCentral – Single Versatile Modular Platform to Keep Pace with Everyday Business and Industry Challenges

    • Intuitive and Informative - Remove complexity of multi-platform management.
    • Unify Multi-Site Management Operation - Optimising  CCTV, Access Control, Intercom, Alarm, Hikvision Digital signage, and System Statistics - Device Health Status.
    • Visualised Statistic Reports - Providing Intelligent data from multiple applications are centralised at HikCentral Professional. 

    Going Beyond Security

    • Deliver variety of applications for business digital transformation.
    • System translates data into visualised statistic reports, to help users making decisions more easily.

    Major Applications

    Delivering success with smart analytics

    Maximizing your business beyond security

    Smarter operation, increase efficiency, more insightful business operation

    • Retail
    • Club & Hotel
    • Gym
    Industry Challenges (Retail)

      Industry Challenges 

    • Retail stores generate huge amounts of offline data, day in, day out. A large part of that data, is rarely tapped into.
    • Hikvision's AI-powered video technology, you can now make full use of valuable data collected from stores, then visualize and utilize that data for business insights, actionable intelligence, and smarter store operations.
    • Business intelligence can provide additional data to help improve efficiency and gain customer loyalty by tailoring the shopping experience to their interests.
    • RETAIL-CENTRIC ANALYTICS: Robust edge analytics are included in Hikvision cameras to enhance system productivity. These standard analytics coupled with Hikvision’s retail-centric analytics such as queue monitoring, people counting, slip & trips, heat mapping, and POS integrations, Hikvision Digital Signage, Automated Staff time and attendance, ensure efficient operations.
    Industry Challenges (Club & Hotel)

       Industry Challenges 

    • Self-Barred Person in Gaming Area - When a Self-Barred Person enters the premises or gaming areas management instantly receives notification - Reduce liability and exposure.
    • Identify VIPs when entering venue or gaming area for personalised service.
    • Hikvision Analytics - Provide meaningful metrics with a better understanding on who your customers.
    • Person Attributes  - Monitoring frequency of customers, demographic, age, gender, VIP, unknown customers that have visited your business more than 2 times in the last 14 days -  Invite them to your customer loyalty/VIP program.
    • HikCentral Attribute Reports - Create better targeted marketing campaigns – Hikvision Digital signage can deliver your messages.
    Industry Challenges (GYM)

       Industry Challenges

    • Multi-store management platform providing unified intelligence and dashboards.
    • Provide meaningful metrics on who your customer is to create better targeted marketing campaigns – digital signage.
    • Hikvision's AI-powered video technology, Robust edge analytics are included in Hikvision cameras to enhance system productivity. These standard analytics such as queue monitoring, people counting, slip & trips, heat mapping, and POS integrations, Hikvision Digital Signage, Automated Staff time and attendance, ensure efficient operations.
    • Anti-tailgating - Creating membership incentive opportunity by identifying attending non-members.
    • Business intelligence can provide additional data to help improve efficiency and gain customer loyalty by tailoring their Gym experience to their interests.

    Improving safety & production for manufacturing

    For risk reduction, productivity improvement and efficiency enhancement

    • Manufacturing
    • Logistics Warehouse
    • Solar Farm
    • Mining
    Industry Challenges (Manufacturing)

    Industry Challenges

    Long queue of vehicles waiting for entry and passing through the weighbridge.

    Fire and Industrial Special Risk (ISR) premiums are heading skyward in Australia due to a large number of insurance claims.

    Driving over speed limit or parking at restricted area causes health and safety concerns.

    Industry Challenges (Logistics Warehouse)

    Industry Challenges

    Lack of visibility into the performance of the loading docks, from safety to loading/unloading efficiency.

    Vehicles wait unnecessarily when they could be loading or unloading, causing delays and negatively impacting productivity and the throughput of goods through the facility.

    Driving over speed limit or parking at restricted area causes health and safety concerns.

    Industry Challenges (Solar Farm)

    Industry Challenges

    Due to poor fence protection and unmanned operations, solar farms could be a common target for intrusion, theft and vandal, given the market value of the technology, and it could also pose serious risk to the intruder’s safety.

    Fire and Industrial Special Risk (ISR) premiums are heading skyward in Australia due to a large number of insurance claims.

    Industry Challenges (Mining)

    Industry Challenges 

    How to quickly and positively identify all individuals onsite, to issue each individual with the required credentials, and to restrict movements onsite according to the access rights demanded by the individual’s role and corresponding credentials.

    Success Stories

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